A Fresh Breath For Your Home

Designed to protect you from costly attic moisture problems – Naturally!

Stop worrying about wood rot, mildew, peeling paint, and musty odors. Stephenson Cupolas ventilate warm, moist air up and out of the attic. They even help prevent ice dams in rain gutters by evacuating under-roof moisture. Install and forget! No electrical hassle and no ventilator fans to wear out.

Standard (4 Sides)

Governor (4 Sides)

President Hexagon (6 Sides)

President Octagon (8 Sides)

Charleston & Hyde Park (4 Sides)

Hampton & Newport (4 Sides)

Richmond (4 Sides)

Installation Is Easy!

Before installing the cupola, protect interior and exterior wood surfaces with an oil-based sealer and topcoat.

Saw out the roof opening for the Cupola, being careful not to cut rafters or the roof ridge. Screening can be stapled over the opening to keep out insects.

Lay two pieces of scrap wood at the roof’s peak and mark them where they cross.

Use the marked pieces as a template for notching the cupola base so that it fits the roof.

Secure the base to the roof with non-ferrous nails driven at an angle.

Secure the cupola roof.

Attach Weathervane. Paint or stain the cupola, and you’re DONE!